Microsoft 365 Graph synchronization GAL to SharePoint Online List across multiple tenants.

12 minute read

Why I write this article

When we create SharePoint and multiple tenants we always see that we are missing information about users between tenant that are working in the same organization but have diffrent Microsoft365 tenants. One of solutions for ths is create list in SharePoint that will contain informations about users form diffrent tenants. On list we can create filters, viwes and easy search for contacts.
For creation of this solution we will use Microsoft Graph API that is integrating all components in Office 365.

PowerShell script base on list of users in Microsoft365 tenant will

  • Create new list item witch all user data
  • Update existing list item witch user data
  • Script will create output summary and logs what was changed

Attributes downloaded for each user and add or update in SharePoint list.

            "businessPhones": [
                "+48 17 555 1122"
            "displayName": "Jan Kowalski",
            "givenName": "Jan",
            "jobTitle": "IT HelpDesk",
            "mail": "",
            "mobilePhone": "+48 666555111",
            "officeLocation": null,
            "preferredLanguage": null,
            "surname": "Kowalski",
            "userPrincipalName": "",
            "id": "1c227ac6-51a6-401e-bd39-96eee6270b0f"
``` ## Creation of Service Principals in Tenants

We need two service principal on 2 different tenants, one that will have access to user list when will get data and second one witch access to SharePoint Online list when we will add and update contacts.

Tenant witch user access

  1. Log on to Azure Active Directory witch Global Administrator Rights
  2. Navigate to App registrations

  3. Click on New registration

  4. Enter application Name

  5. Click in Register
  6. Open application
  7. Navigate to API permissions
  8. Click Add permission

  9. Choose Microsoft Graph

  10. Choose Application permissions Your application runs as a background service or daemon without a signed-in user.

  11. Form list select those permissions
  12. Grant admin consent for permissions

  13. Navigate in application to Certificates & secrets
  14. Click on New Client secret

  15. Save value of secret

Tenant witch SharePoint Online list

  1. Log on to Azure Active Directory witch Global Administrator Rights
  2. Navigate to App registrations
  3. Click on New registration
  4. Enter application Name
  5. Click in Register
  6. Open application
  7. Navigate to API permissions
  8. Click Add permission
  9. Choose Microsoft Graph
  10. Choose Application permissions Your application runs as a background service or daemon without a signed-in user.
  11. Form list select those permissions
    Sites.Selected Sites.Read.All
  12. Grant admin consent for permissions

  13. Navigate in application to Certificates & secrets
  14. Click on New Client secret
  15. Save value of secret

SharePoint online site and list preparation

  1. Logon to
  2. Navigate to existing SharePoint Online site or create new one
  3. Create new Custom SharePoint List
  4. On list settings add new columns

    DisplayName	Single line of text	
    givenName	Single line of text	
    surName	Single line of text	
    userPrincipalName	Single line of text
    mail	Single line of text	
    JobTittle	Single line of text	
    Office	Single line of text	
    Company	Single line of text	
    Department	Single line of text	
    City	Single line of text	
    StreetAddress	Single line of text	
    Province	Single line of text
    postalCode   Single line of text
    Country	Single line of text	
    Mobile	Single line of text	
    OfficePhoneNumber	Single line of text	
  5. On list settings in indexed columns create new index on userPrincipalName column

  6. Install PowerShell module

    Install-Module -Name PnP.PowerShell
  7. Connect to SharePoint site that is hosting custom list

    Connect-PnPOnline -Interactive
  8. Grant permissions for application created witch site permissions

    Grant-PnPAzureADAppSitePermission -AppId 'Application ID created witch Site.Selected permissions' -DisplayName 'App Name here' -Site '' -Permissions Write

Source code and script

  • spoSiteName - SharePoint online site name that will be hosting list example. My Demo Site
  • spoListName - SharePoint custom list name example. OrganizationContacts
  • spoTenantId - Microsoft 365 tenant ID witch SharePoint site example. f5d4b86-859e-4b25-ad2a-074c9d598234d
  • spoClient_id - Application ID created in 3 on tenant witch SharePoint site example. 9f38f4c1-d1ca-4398-b760-52377b9426b3
  • spoClient_secret secret generated on step 14 ************
  • aadTenantId - Microsoft 365 tenant ID witch users that will be added to SharePoint site list example. d9b560f9-5cf3-4d1b-aeef-0a7e00934498
  • aadTlient_id - Application ID created in 3 on tenant witch users that will be added to SharePoint site list. example. 058f94e0-0647-4137-8bb9-893b0a953e1d
  • aadClient_secret - secret generated on step 14 *************

Parameters description and example run

Code on Github

Change parameter data dedicated for your environment, script can be downloaded form my repository on GitHub: M365-GAL-sync-witch-SPO-ContactList-Client.ps1

    Get user contact information and put in SPO list.
    Get data from Office 365 Users and create global contact list in SPO.
    File Name  : M365-ContactList.ps1 
    Author     : Michal Machniak  
    Requires   : PowerShell v5.1
    Modules    : None
    Version    : 1.0
    Sharepoint Online custom list. With columns:

Example CmdletBinding

-spoSiteName Test `
-spoListName TestList `
-spoTenantId 435634636-eabf-47ea-998f-15c7f956366`
-spoClient_id d74552343-7400-4b48-8dde-74r23553252`
-spoClient_secret ********************************`
-aadTenantId d4520405-eabf-47ea-998f-15c7f956366 `
-aadClient_id d77bcd93-7400-4b48-8dde-74r23553252 `
-aadClient_secret ***************************** `

Data for Sharepoint item in json
            "businessPhones": [
                "+48 17 555 1122"
            "displayName": "Jan Kowalski",
            "givenName": "Jan",
            "jobTitle": "IT HelpDesk",
            "mail": "",
            "mobilePhone": "+48 666555111",
            "officeLocation": null,
            "preferredLanguage": null,
            "surname": "Kowalski",
            "userPrincipalName": "",
            "id": "1c227ac6-51a6-401e-bd39-96eee6270b0f"

    SharePoint Online List Column

        DisplayName	Single line of text	
        givenName	Single line of text	
        surName	Single line of text	
        userPrincipalName	Single line of text
        mail	Single line of text	
        JobTittle	Single line of text	
        Office	Single line of text	
        Company	Single line of text	
        Department	Single line of text	
        City	Single line of text	
        StreetAddress	Single line of text	
        Province	Single line of text
        postalCode   Single line of text
        Country	Single line of text	
        Mobile	Single line of text	
        OfficePhoneNumber	Single line of text	

# Objects

Param (
    # Sharepoint list access tenant 

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Friendly name of SharePoint site where list is located. .")]

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Friendly name of SharePoint list.")]

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Office 365 tenant ID with SPO List.")]

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Azure Active Directory Application ID with SPO List.")]

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Azure Active Directory Application client secret with SPO List.")]

    # Active Directory Tenant access

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Office 365 tenant ID with Azur AD users.")]

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Azure Active Directory Application ID.")]

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Azure Active Directory Application client secret.")]


# Global Settings

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

# Record session to file

$TranscriptFilePath = "F:\Scripts\GAL-Sync"
    if (!(test-path ($TranscriptFilePath ))) {

        $TranscriptFilePath = $PWD.Path

$dateSring = (get-date).ToString('yyyyMMdd')
$TranscriptFile = $TranscriptFilePath+'\'+$dateSring+'-GAL-Sync-To-SPO.txt'

Start-Transcript -Path "$TranscriptFile"

write-host "Log file crated in : "$PSScriptRoot

## Graph API  Operations##


Write-Host "Data for connect ot SPO Tenant"


Write-Host "Connect to tenant [$spoTenantId] graph API witch SharePoint List"

    $graphUri_spo = "$spoTenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token"

    $graphbody_spo = @{
        client_id     = $spoClient_id
        scope         = ""
        client_secret = $spoClient_secret
        grant_type    = "client_credentials"

#    $graphtokenRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $graphUri -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Body $graphbody -UseBasicParsing

Write-Verbose "Graph API access token generating"

# Get OAuth 2.0 Token
$graphtokenRequest_spo = try {

    Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $graphUri_spo -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Body $graphbody_spo -UseBasicParsing

    Write-Host "Graph API access token generated"
catch [System.Net.WebException] {

    Write-Warning "Exception was caught: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    $graphtoken_spo = ($graphtokenRequest_spo.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).access_token


Write-Host "Data for connect tt AAD Tenant"


Write-Host "Connect to tenant [$aadTenantId] graph API Azure Active Directory Users"

    $graphUri_aad = "$aadTenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token"

    $graphbody_aad = @{
        client_id     = $aadClient_id
        scope         = ""
        client_secret = $aadClient_secret
        grant_type    = "client_credentials"

#    $graphtokenRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $graphUri -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Body $graphbody -UseBasicParsing

Write-Verbose "Graph API access token generating"

# Get OAuth 2.0 Token
$graphtokenRequest_aad = try {

    Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $graphUri_aad -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Body $graphbody_aad -UseBasicParsing

    Write-Host "Graph API access token generated"
catch [System.Net.WebException] {

    Write-Warning "Exception was caught: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    $graphtokenRequest_aad = ($graphtokenRequest_aad.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).access_token

# SPO settings

# SPO FQDN Hostname retrive for other acctions.

Write-Verbose "Sharepoint Online hostname"

    $spoRootSite = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri ""  -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $graphtoken_spo"} -ErrorAction Stop
    $spoRootSite = $spoRootSite | ConvertFrom-Json
    $spoRootSiteHostName = $spoRootSite.siteCollection.hostname

Write-Host "SPO Hostname: [$spoRootSiteHostName]"

# SPO Site properties - ID for other actions

Write-Verbose "Sharepoint Online Site Data" 

    $spoSiteUri = ""+$spoRootSiteHostName+":/sites/$spoSiteName"
    $spoSite = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $spoSiteUri  -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $graphtoken_spo"} -ErrorAction Stop
    $spoSite = $spoSite | ConvertFrom-Json
    $spoSiteId = $

Write-Host "SPO Site ID: [$spoSiteId]"

# SPO List ID on dedicate site for other actions.

Write-Verbose "Sharepoint Online List Data" 

Write-Verbose "$spoSiteId/lists/$spoListName"

    $spoSiteListUri = "$spoSiteId/lists/$spoListName"
    $spoSiteList = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $spoSiteListUri  -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $graphtoken_spo"} -ErrorAction Stop
    $spoSiteList = $spoSiteList | ConvertFrom-Json
    $spoListId = $

Write-Host "SPO List ID: [$spoListId]"

## Report Settings and actions
# Active Directory Users over Graph

# Loading User to Object

$m365Users = @()

# Filter only Members accounts

Write-Host "Loading Azure Active Directory list of users"

$url = '$select=accountEnabled,assignedLicenses,businessPhones,city,companyName,state,country,displayName,department,givenName,jobTitle,mail,mobilePhone,postalCode,preferredLanguage,streetAddress,surname,userType,userPrincipalName&$filter=userType eq ''member'''
    While ($url -ne $Null) {
        $data = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $url -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $graphtokenRequest_aad"}) | ConvertFrom-Json
        $m365Users += $data.Value
        $url = $data.'@Odata.NextLink'
write-host "List of users loaded: "$m365Users.Count

# Items counting starting Index

$m365UsersUpdated = 0
$m365UsersAdded = 0
$m365UsersSkipped = 0

# Procced each message 

foreach ($m365User in $m365Users) 

    $displayName = $m365User.displayName
    $userPrincipalName = $m365User.userPrincipalName
    $givenName = $m365User.givenName
    $surName = $m365User.surname

    $businessPhones = $m365User.businessPhones -replace (' ','')
    $mobilePhone = $m365User.mobilePhone

    $officeLocation = $m365User.officeLocation
    $companyName = $m365User.companyName
    $country = $
    $state = $m365User.state
    $city = $
    $streetAddress = $m365User.streetAddress
    $postalCode = $m365User.postalCode

    $JobTittle = $m365User.jobTitle
    $department = $m365User.department
    $mail  = $m365User.mail    

    $TestExisting = try {

        Write-Host "Checking that user exist on SharePoint List witch ID: [$userPrincipalName]" -ForegroundColor Yellow

        Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri "$spoSiteId/lists/$spoListId/items?expand=fields&filter=((fields/userPrincipalName eq '$($userPrincipalName)'))" -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $graphtoken_spo"} -ErrorAction Stop

        catch [System.Net.WebException] {
            Write-Warning "Exception was caught: $($_.Exception.Message)" 

       if ($($TestExisting.value.fields.userPrincipalName) -ne $null) {

            $spoSiteContactId = $

            $requestItemProperties = [PSCustomObject]@{} # PS Custom object null

            Write-Host "Prepare to [UPDATE] User witch ID: [$userPrincipalName] taht exsit on SharePoint List" -ForegroundColor Yellow

            if ($displayName -ne $($TestExisting.value.fields.Title) ) { # Title is default SharePoiny column name adn connot be change

                Write-Host "[UPDATE] displayName will be change form: $($TestExisting.value.fields.Title) to $displayName" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'Title' -Value "$displayName"

            if ($givenName -ne $($TestExisting.value.fields.givenName) ) {

                Write-Host "[UPDATE] givenName will be change form: $($TestExisting.value.fields.givenName) to $givenName" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'givenName' -Value "$givenName"

            if ($surName -ne $($TestExisting.value.fields.surName) ) {

                Write-Host "[UPDATE] surName will be change form: $($TestExisting.value.fields.surName) to $surName" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'surName' -Value "$surName"

            if ($userPrincipalName -ne $($TestExisting.value.fields.userPrincipalName) ) {

                Write-Host "[UPDATE] userPrincipalName will be change form: $($TestExisting.value.fields.userPrincipalName) to $userPrincipalName" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'userPrincipalName' -Value "$userPrincipalName"

            if ($mail -ne $($TestExisting.value.fields.mail) ) {

                Write-Host "[UPDATE] mail will be change form: $($TestExisting.value.fields.mail) to $mail" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'mail' -Value "$mail"

            ############### Organization Data #######################

            if ($JobTittle -ne $($TestExisting.value.fields.JobTittle) ) {

                Write-Host "[UPDATE] JobTittle will be change form: $($TestExisting.value.fields.JobTittle) to $JobTittle" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'JobTittle' -Value "$JobTittle"

            if ($department -ne $($TestExisting.value.fields.Department) ) {

                Write-Host "[UPDATE] Department will be change form: $($TestExisting.value.fields.Department) to $department" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'Department' -Value "$department"

            if ($companyName -ne $($TestExisting.value.fields.Company) ) {

                Write-Host "[UPDATE] companyName will be change form: $($TestExisting.value.fields.companyName) to $companyName" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'Company' -Value "$companyName"

            ############### Phones #######################

            if ($businessPhones -ne $($TestExisting.value.fields.OfficePhoneNumber) ) {

                Write-Host "[UPDATE] businessPhones will be change form: $($TestExisting.value.fields.OfficePhoneNumber) to $businessPhones" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'OfficePhoneNumber' -Value "$businessPhones"

            if ($mobilePhone -ne $($TestExisting.value.fields.Mobile) ) {

                Write-Host "[UPDATE] mobilePhone will be change form: $($TestExisting.value.fields.Mobile) to $mobilePhone" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'Mobile' -Value "$mobilePhone"

            ############### Addresess #######################

            if ($officeLocation -ne $($TestExisting.value.fields.Office) ) {

                Write-Host "[UPDATE] office will be change form: $($TestExisting.value.fields.Office) to $officeLocation" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'Office' -Value "$officeLocation"

            if ($country -ne $($TestExisting.value.fields.Country) ) {

                Write-Host "[UPDATE] country will be change form: $($TestExisting.value.fields.Country) to $country" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'Country' -Value "$country"

            if ($state -ne $($TestExisting.value.fields.Province) ) {

                Write-Host "[UPDATE] state will be change form: $($TestExisting.value.fields.Province) to $state" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'Province' -Value "$state"

            if ($city -ne $($TestExisting.value.fields.City) ) {

                Write-Host "[UPDATE] City will be change form: $($TestExisting.value.fields.City) to $city" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'City' -Value "$city"

            if ($streetAddress -ne $($TestExisting.value.fields.StreetAddress) ) {

                Write-Host "[UPDATE] streetAddress will be change form: $($TestExisting.value.fields.StreetAddress) to $streetAddress" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'StreetAddress' -Value "$streetAddress"

            if ($postalCode -ne $($TestExisting.value.fields.postalCode) ) {

                Write-Host "[UPDATE] postalCode will be change form: $($TestExisting.value.fields.postalCode) to $postalCode" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'postalCode' -Value "$postalCode"

            $spoRequestBody = @{ fields = $requestItemProperties
            } | ConvertTo-Json # Data to Input in list convert to json request


            $spoUpdateItemToList = try {
                Invoke-WebRequest -Method Patch -Uri "$spoSiteId/lists/$spoListId/items/$spoSiteContactId"  -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $graphtoken_spo"} -Body $spoRequestBody -ErrorAction Stop
            catch [System.Net.WebException] {
                Write-Warning "Exception was caught: $($_.Exception.Message)" 

            $m365UsersUpdated+= 1

        } # If exist in SharePoint List
        else {

            if ($m365User.assignedLicenses -ne $null) {

                # write-host "Checking user $($m365User.userPrincipalName)" -ForegroundColor Green
                $m365User_mailboxSettings_uri = "$($m365User.userPrincipalName)/mailboxSettings"
                $m365User_mailboxSettings = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $m365User_mailboxSettings_uri  -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $graphtokenRequest_aad"} -ErrorAction Stop | ConvertFrom-Json
                if ($m365User_mailboxSettings.userPurpose -eq "user") {
                    write-host "User have mailbox and will be added to list $($m365User.userPrincipalName)" -ForegroundColor Green 
                    $requestItemProperties = [PSCustomObject]@{}
                        Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'Title' -Value "$displayName" # Title is default SharePoiny column name adn connot be change
                        Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'givenName' -Value "$givenName"
                        Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'surName' -Value "$surName"
                        Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'userPrincipalName' -Value $userPrincipalName
                        Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'mail' -Value $mail
                        Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'JobTittle' -Value "$JobTittle"
                        Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'Office' -Value "$officeLocation"
                        Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'Company' -Value "$companyName"
                        Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'Department' -Value "$department"
                        Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'City' -Value "$city"
                        Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'StreetAddress' -Value "$streetAddress"
                        Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'Province' -Value "$state"
                        Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'postalCode' -Value "$postalCode"
                        Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'Country' -Value "$country"
                        Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'Mobile' -Value "$mobilePhone"
                        Add-Member -InputObject $requestItemProperties -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'OfficePhoneNumber' -Value "$businessPhones"
                    $spoRequestBody = @{ fields = $requestItemProperties
                    } | ConvertTo-Json # Data to Input in list convert to json reques
                     $spoAddItemToList = try {
                        Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -Uri "$spoSiteId/lists/$spoListId/items"  -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $graphtoken_spo"} -Body $spoRequestBody -ErrorAction Stop
                    catch [System.Net.WebException] {
                        Write-Warning "Exception was caught: $($_.Exception.Message)" 
                    $m365UsersAdded += 1
                } # Only User's Mailbox Type
                else {
                    write-host "User is not mail type user $($m365User.userPrincipalName)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                } # Not User Mailbox

            } # Only users witch licences

        } # If NOT exist in SharePoint List

} # Loop close for each messeage in data set

Write-Host "Report Data ready to export ..."
Write-Host "Number of Users exported: $($m365Users.Count)"
Write-Host "Number of Users added to list: $m365UsersAdded"
Write-Host "Number of Users updated to list: $m365UsersUpdated"
Write-Host "Number of Users skipped to list: $m365UsersSkipped"


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